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Women Legal Rights

Seva believes that ‘knowledge is power’ when it comes to fighting oppression of women and gender bias. It has been passionately working to empower women so that they live a life of dignity. Legal awareness program are conducted for women and girls to impart practical knowledge that make them capable of fighting back whenever they experience discrimination and exploitation.

On 2nd September 2006, Seva had invited speakers like Ms. Lavayna and Mrs. K. Aruna, Vice President, to address women on their legal rights. Some of the places where these programs were conducted are Bhimavaram, Ithepalli, Chandrigiri Mandal, Erpedu, and Erpedu Mandal.

On 5th April 2007 and 8th July 2007, Seva also conducted legal awareness programs among women in Mamanduru and Chandrigiri Mandal.

During these programs, social evils and basic legal rights of women are discussed in details by renowned personalities and volunteers of Seva. Participants are made aware about women rights as provided under the various laws including the Indian Penal Code, 1860 and the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961. The women and the girls are sensitized about various women-oriented issues such as gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment at work place, emotional cruelty, sexual harassment, female feticides, infanticides, child marriages, sexual harassments, rape, dowry related tortures, child labor, domestic violence, desertion, prostitution, bigamy, refusal to register FIR, deprivation, sati, and so on. The participants are encouraged to raise their voices whenever they experience gender-based discrimination and take necessary actions to protect their rights.