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Food and Nutririon

Seva believes that “a healthy body equals a healthy mind.” The organization conducts camps to create awareness about the ill-effectsof malnutrition and under-nutrition. It provides information on values of nutritive food, protein-based food, balanced diet, vitamins, andnutritional values of a variety of food items. It constantly emphasizes the value of nutritious food for both the genders for their overalldevelopment. The camps aim at educating the participants about the health hazards posed by the lack of nutritious food and how ithampers the development of our nation in the long run.

Seva trains the participants in home scale preservation of fruits and vegetables, preparation of sprouted seeds, cooking of leafy vegetables without losing their nutritive values, and so on so that they can adopt healthy food habits.

Seva conducted camps on food and nutrition on 18th May 2007, 10 August 2007, 2nd January 2007, 25th February 2008, and 12th March 2008 in Kodandaramapuram, Kongaravaripalli, Seshapuram, Kandulavaripalli, Bhimavaram, and Mamandur with the support of local volunteers and anganwadi teachers.

The objectives of its program are as follows:

  • To create awareness among housewives, adolescent girls, lactating mothers and children.
  • To promote consumption of fruits and vegetables, which are the richest sources of micronutrients, fibers, and antioxidants.
  • To ensure that infants, young children, and adolescent girls receive a balanced diet with the available resources.
  • To prevent different skin allergies, vitamin deficiencies, and anemia among the underprivileged.
  • To train women for income generation through food processing.